David Romero Rivero

David Romero Rivero

Bachelor student

I supervised David Romero Rivero during his BSc thesis titled ‘Design and implementation in Protégé of an ontology for task-based robot co-design’ (in Spanish: Diseño e implementación en Protégé de una ontología para el co-diseño de robots en base a tareas). The thesis was defended at ‘Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), ETSII Ciudad Real’ for the degree of Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering.

David is a passionate human being, always eager to discover and learn with an ontological attitude, which is rare in engineering students of his age. It was truly enjoyable for me to accompany him in his learning experience at the last year of his degree program.

  • Ontologies for robotics
  • Educational robots
  • Logics
  • BSc in Electronics and Automation Engineering, 2021

    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain